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Steps to be followed are:

  1. Application lodged via email
  2. Program Administrator undertakes informal review of application within 1 week of being received, eliciting further information from Applicant if required. Application is either:
    1. Passed to Assessment Team for formal consideration (go to Step 3); or
    2. Declined – applicant advised via email of reasons the application does not meet program criteria (end of process)
  3. Assessment Team reviews all applications within 1 week of being forwarded by Administrator. If APPROVED, project is passed to Implementation Team with authority to approve the provision of product to the relevant installer up to a defined value (or system size).
    If DECLINED, application is passed back to Administrator to seek further information or advise of the decision
  4. Implementation Once an application has been assessed and approved, the implementation process will be co-ordinated jointly by the installer and the applicant. Expected steps in the process include:
    1. Both applicant and nominated installer are advised of success of application
    2. Installer liaises directly with applicant, then submits system plans, including build timings, to Implementation Team (via Administrator)
    3. Implementation Team advises other partners (inverter and railing suppliers) and gives approval to proceed;
    4. Implementation Team co-ordinates any marketing activity with applicant and/or installer
    5. System is installed within 3 months of approval (unless building works prevent).
    6. To verify the build, installer:
      1. Provides professional photographic evidence
      2. Registers system on REC ProPortal

As a principle, the designated installer will be solely responsible for work undertaken within the REConstruct program. Whilst standard product warranties will be offered on all hardware supplied, installers will be required to manage all elements of each job, and to honour all standard service and warranties commitments.